Hospital Management


  • Recording basic information about Doctors, Patients, Services, Medicine and other Inventory Items
  • Record Transactions of multiple flows like
       — Financial Entries Flow
       — Purchase Flow
       — Outpatient Flow
       — Inpatient Flow
       — Diagnostic
       — Services Flow
       — Payroll Flow

Doctor Master

  • Create / Edit Doctor Master and details of Doctor
  • Unlimited Levels of Grouping
  • Tree View / Grid View of Doctors
  • Properties of Doctors Group Wise
  • Rename and Inactive Employees
  • Visiting Hours Definition
  • Present and Permanent Address information
  • Qualification, Experience and Specialisation Information of Doctor

Medical Services Master

  • Add or Remove Medical Services Provided in Hospital
  • Additional Description for Medical Services
  • Price Definition for Services Provided
  • Categorization of Services Provided

OP Registration Charges Definition

  • Define OPD Charges
  • Doctor Wise
  • OPD Wise
  • With Effect From – to maintain History of Prices

OP Registration Window

  • Register Outpatient
  • Record Referred Doctor Details
  • Define OP Validity
  • Payments with different Payment methods

OP Review / Revisit / Renewal

  • Record Revisiting and Review details of Outpatients

Inpatient Advance Receipt

  • Inpatient Advance Receipt

IP Registration Details

  • Record IP Registration Details
  • Convert OP Registration as IP Registration
  • Allot Room to Inpatient
  • Record Insurance Details
  • Record Advance Payment Details of Inpatients

Inpatient Services

  • Record Inpatient Services issued to patient on a Bed or in a Room
  • Services like
      — Medical Services
      — Food Services
      — Nursing Services
      — Other Services

Discharge Bill

Capture Discharge Information

  • Patient Details
  • IP Services issued
  • Clinical History
  • Examinations of Patient during stay
  • Investigations History of Patient during stay
  • Treatment provide to Patient
  • Room Charges
  • Payments Collected for Discharge
  • Medical Advices to Patient



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